Feathers Over Mackinac (1889–1891)

A bird’s song is the most beautiful music in the world.

S.E. White (1891)

Stewart E. White, 1903

 Stewart Edward White (1873-1946) was the second of five children born to Mary and Thomas Stewart White, a successful lumberman of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Guided by his father, Stewart grew up in the woods, particularly in lumber towns of northern Michigan. After graduating from Grand Rapid’s Central High School, this curious and creative young man became intensely interested in ornithology. Between 1890–1893, he wrote more than 30 articles on birds which became his first published writings.

 Thomas White built a cottage on Mackinac Island’s West Bluff between 1890-1891, which served as a summer retreat for his family. Known as “Over the Glen,” this rambling Queen Anne structure served as the perfect base for many adventures. For Stewart, this largely took the form of three seasons of dedicated ornithology field work. An article summarizing his findings, “Birds Observed on Mackinac Island, Michigan …” was published in the July 1893 edition of The Auk, the official journal of the American Ornithologists’ Union.

 Summer Birds of Mackinac Island

Stewart’s detailed observations offer a fascinating look at the island’s avian wildlife and landscape near the end of 19th century. His records coincide with the period of Mackinac National Park (1875-1895) and early attempts at nature conservation in Michigan. While some birds and their habitats are easily recognizable today, some conditions have changed dramatically over the past 130 years. Below are some of Stewart’s firsthand observations, followed by a modern perspective.

 Bald Eagle: “In 1889 three of these birds, two adults and one young, were seen at various times during the summer. In 1890 only one of the old ones and the young one were observed. The female was shot by a local taxidermist. In 1891 two mature and two young were on the island. These birds are common at Les Cheneaux.”

 With populations in severe decline, eagles received special legal protection in 1940. In the 1950s, widespread use of DDT reduced the population even further. Only 52 breeding pairs lived in Michigan in 1961. Today, roughly 900 breeding pairs exist in the state and sightings are common over the Straits of Mackinac.

 Pileated Woodpecker: “These birds are very rare and are becoming scarcer every year. They are now confined to the heavily timbered portions of the country, usually along the river swamps. They have a loud cackling cry like that of a scared hen, and their hammerings can be heard a long distance. On Mackinac Island a specimen was brought to my brother by an Indian boy, who assured us that the bird was not uncommon as a late migrant. The country people call them ‘Woodcocks’ and under that name they are often sold to unsuspecting victims in search of a dainty.”

 This crow-sized bird is the is the largest woodpecker of the North Woods. No longer shot for food, its numbers have grown in recent years. Today, it can be considered a common (though somewhat shy) resident. Listen for its reverberating call, “cuk-cuk-cuk-cuk” echoing through the trees.

 Ovenbird: “Common in the maple woods. On several occasions it has been my good fortune to hear the beautiful vesper song of this species.”

 Thankfully, this small warbler remains a common resident of Mackinac’s woodlands. Spending much of its time on the ground, this species builds a dome-shaped nest resembling a wood-fired bread oven. An ovenbird nest was discovered this June on Mackinac Island, near Fort Holmes. Their loud echoing call, “teacher-teacher-teacher,” is a common sound across the island.

 American Redstart: “The most characteristic bird of the island. It occurs in such amazing abundance that it seems as if every tree contained one of these birds.”

 Of all 27 warbler species which have been recorded on Mackinac Island, this is the one you’re most likely to see. Redstarts are still very common throughout the straits region, and are often quite bold. Adult males sport black plumage with orange spots (not red) and a white belly. Females and first-year males feature subtle gray-green tones with yellow spots.

 Enjoying Mackinac Wildlife

 These few observations are just a small sampling of the amazing diversity of wildlife which calls the North Woods home. More than 230 species of birds have been recorded on Mackinac Island and in the surrounding straits region. Dozens of other animals also abound, including mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles too bountiful to name here. Wherever you roam, special encounters await as you explore Mackinac’s “wild side” and the natural wonders of summertime in northern Michigan.

Winter Arrives at Mackinac

Winter views of Mackinac Island: the Father Marquette statue and stone ramparts of Fort Mackinac.

Winter on Mackinac Island is a special time of year. The sun sets early, temperatures fall, and a crust of ice forms along the lakeshore. By late January or February, perhaps an “ice bridge” will form between the island and Saint Ignace. In the meantime, on a visit to Marquette Park, you’ll find that lilac blooms and bugle calls have been replaced by a bright, snowy stillness. On especially frigid days, your imagination may conjure Father Marquette stepping right off his pedestal, if he could just find a way to thaw out a little.

Seeds inside white spruce cones are an important food source for winter wildlife.

Red crossbills by
Bruce Horsfall (1908).

 Leaving downtown, the winter woods invite you to explore. Some years, the island is visited by flocks of red or white-winged crossbills. As its name implies, this unusual songbird has a highly specialized beak which crosses at the tip. This adaptation equips a crossbill with a perfect tool for slipping between hard, woody scales of spruce and pine cones. Under each scale, the bird finds a single, tiny seed which is quickly removed with a flick of the tongue. Standing under a spruce tree while a flock of crossbills feeds high above is a unique experience. Discarded bits of seed drift to the ground like softly-falling spruce snow.

Snowshoe hare tracks near the airport.

A cottontail rabbit sits alert in the snow.

 While the North Woods are quiet this time of year, lucky explorers may enjoy other animal encounters. Both cottontail rabbits and snowshoe hares live year-round on Mackinac Island. While the fur coat of a cottontail grows a bit thicker, it remains a tawny brown. The winter coat of a larger snowshoe hare, however, turns white to blend with the snow. While they both take shelter in the thickest underbrush, these crafty creatures may flush and scurry past as you glide by on cross-country skis or snowshoes. Look for hares and rabbits along field edges, especially near the Mackinac Island airport. Even if they remain undercover, you still may discover their tracks in the snow.

Staghorn sumac berries add color
to the muted winter landscape.

Cave-of-the-Woods has provided shelter from winter storms for 10,000 years.

 Exploring fields near the airport might leave you wondering if the word “windchill” was invented on Mackinac Island! Return to the trees by following nearby trails and enjoy a visit to Cave-of-the-Woods, one of the island’s oldest limestone formations. Persistent wave action formed this low opening about 10,000 years ago when this rocky outcrop rested on a prehistoric beach of ancient Lake Algonquin. The rounded cave floor was sculpted as the erosive power of water cut through softer material in the limestone mass. Today, this spot lies 140 feet above modern Lake Huron, providing shelter as you watch snowflakes fall and experience the quiet beauty of winter on Mackinac Island.

The Changing Seasons at the Straits

The sawmill at Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park in winter.

There always seems to be changes this time of year – for the parks, the locals and the wildlife.

After another exciting and busy season, we have closed our historic sites on Mackinac Island and in and around Mackinaw City for the winter. The end of the season doesn’t mean things stop at the Mackinac State Historic Parks. We continue our mission by shifting our focus to new projects and the off-season work of preparing for the next year.

As the local human population levels drop for the upcoming winter, the resident wildlife undertake a variety of changes in order to survive the cold and snow that will soon arrive. Migration, hibernation and seasonal adaptations are important tools that wildlife use to help them get through the winter months. (more…)

It Could Be Another Good Winter To See Snowy Owls

It Could Be Another Good Winter To See Snowy Owls

Snowy Owls have recently been observed on Mackinac Island, in St. Ignace, Mackinaw City, and Cheboygan and on the Mackinac Bridge.  It is still the first week of December but these beautiful arctic visitors are appearing throughout the Midwest in relatively large numbers.  If they continue to arrive at this rate, we may be able to enjoy watching them in the Straits area all winter long. (more…)