Special Events - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Special Events

Special Weekends at Colonial Michilimackinac

A select number of weekends will highlight different interpretive programs at Colonial Michilimackinac. See the dates and descriptions below.

Soldiers of the King: The British Garrison of Michilimackinac, July 15-16, August 5-6, September 9-10
-Michilimackinac came under British rule in 1761, and the fort played an important role in British diplomacy and military affairs for the next 20 years. Enlist in King George’s army and watch as member of the 8th Regiment of Foot and the Royal Regiment of Artillery post guards, drill and fire muskets on the parade ground, exercise the fort’s artillery, cook their rations, and share the story of Michilimackinac’s role in the American Revolution.

Native American History and Culture, July 29-30
-Long before Europeans arrived, Native Americans from around the Great Lakes gathered at Michilimackinac every summer to trade, fish, and socialize. Stop by the Native summer encampment and help smoke a fish or sew a moccasin, grind local-grown corn, and watch traditional skills demonstrated by interpreters.

Pastimes in Times Past, August 19-20
-Even in the Great Lakes wilderness, the historic residents of Michilimackinac knew how to have a good time. As you explore the fort, stop and try your hand at games of skill and chance, sing a song, take tea with the neighbors, enjoy the latest news from London, or learn an 18th century dance.

The Straits Defended: Weapons on the Frontier, September 23-24
-Beginning in 1715, Michilimackinac served as an important military outpost for the French and British governments. Special tours will highlight the defensive features of the fort, including the remains of the original powder magazine. Join historic interpreters as they demonstrate the historic weapons of Michilimackinac, ranging from Native American war clubs to British field artillery.

To learn about other special events that may be taking place at Mackinac State Historic Parks, view our Calendar of Events.