Women at Michilimackinac Virtual Program - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Women at Michilimackinac Virtual Program

Women at Michilimackinac were not bystanders to the 18th century fur-trading community of Michilimackinac. In this program participants will be introduced to women from diverse backgrounds, each of whom had an integral role in making the Straits of Mackinac a center of commerce and diplomacy.

When is this program offered?
Wednesdays, January 10 – April 17
1:00 p.m.

About one hour

How much is this program? 

How do I book a program?
After payment is received, a representative from Mackinac State Historic Parks will reach out to confirm your booking. Programs must be booked at least three business days (Monday-Friday) in advance.

Click here to reserve a program. 

If presented to students, which education standards does this program meet?
This program can be modified for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. If presented for children, this program is aimed at students in fifth grade.

5 – U2.3.3 Describe colonial life in America from the perspectives of at least three different groups of people.

Questions? Email outreach@mackinacparks.com.