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Fort Fright General Information and Rules

Tips for a fun and safe experience.

  • Fort Fright is a pet-free event.
  • Smoking, including vaping, is prohibited everywhere within the grounds of Colonial Michilimackinac, including the park area outside the fort.
  • Consumption of alcohol is prohibited everywhere within the grounds of Colonial Michilimackinac, including the park area outside the fort.
  • Please do not use flashlights, including phone lights, during Fort Fright. Lanterns mark pathways and building entrances.
  • General event and site information is available at the central fire pit, located near the flagpole on the parade ground.
  • Children must be always accompanied by adults.
  • Restrooms are available adjacent to the Visitor’s Center parking lot, along the south entry path to the fort, and inside the South Southwest Rowhouse. Restrooms in the South Southwest Rowhouse are marked with blue lights.  
  • Snacks, including popcorn, donut holes, toffee, and apple cider, are available throughout the site. If you have allergy concerns, please consider avoiding consumption of these items.
  • The following areas are not accessible for visitors using wheelchairs, other mobility aids, strollers, or wagons: Haunted House, Werewolf Walk, and Demon Walk. Please do not try to enter these areas if using these items.
  • Haunted areas (Haunted House, Werewolf Walk, and Demon Walk) feature loud noises, fog, narrow spaces, and flashing lights. Loud noises may also be heard throughout the site.
  • Entry to the Haunted House requires visitors to climb stairs to the second floor.
  • Photography, including the use of phone cameras, is prohibited in the haunted areas. Pictures are welcome everywhere else at Fort Fright.
  • Spooky creatures are limited to the haunted areas, and will not touch you- please do not touch them!
  • Some areas of the fort are closed during Fort Fright. Please respect barriers and posted signs.
  • Last admission is at 8:30 PM. The event concludes and the site begins to close at 9:30 PM.
  • Unruly visitors may be asked to leave and escorted from the site.