Fire Michilimackinac's Weapons - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Fire Michilimackinac’s Weapons

You have TWO options to fire some of Michilimackinac’s weapons! Open Colonial Michilimackinac for the day by firing the iconic brass cannon at 9:30 a.m., or wait until after the fort closes and fire ALL FOUR of Michilimackinac’s weapons (a Short Land Musket, the Wall Gun, the Coehorn Mortar, and Cannon). Click either below to find out more.

Guns Across the Straits

Guns Across the Straits

What better way to wind down your day in the Straits of Mackinac than by firing off Michilimackinac’s weapons?

2023 - Fire Michilimackinac's Cannon

Fire Michilimackinac's Cannon

At 9:30 a.m. sharp, the command of “FIRE!” is given and you fire a ceremonial cannon blast opening Colonial Michilimackinac for the day.