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Twilight Turtle Trek
Twilight Turtle Trek
Mackinac Island Turtle Trek - A lantern-lit ski and snowshoeing trek through some of Mackinac Island's natural winter wonderland. The trail begins at Greany Grove (corner of Arch Rock Road and Huron Road) with a bonfire and hot chocolate. The trail is groomed, track set, lit by lanterns and approximately two miles long. This is […]
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Snowshoeing at Historic Mill Creek
Snowshoeing at Historic Mill Creek
Bring your snowshoes and enjoy the snowy North Woods on a guided stroll at Historic Mill Creek. Meet naturalist Kyle Bagnall in the parking lot where we'll begin a leisurely walk of about 1.5 miles. Along the way, we'll search for signs of wildlife and other wonders of the natural world. After we explore, enjoy […]
Free - donations welcome!