Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park


The history of Northern Michigan’s first industrial complex, a settlement on the banks of Mill Creek that furnished lumber to build Mackinac Island in the early nineteenth century.

Includes explanation of the unique geology and land forms that made Mill Creek the most ideal place for a Mill. Details the many trails and the wildlife you may encounter along the way. Explains how Mill Creek was ‘re-discovered’ by amateur archaeologist and how their initial finds led to even greater discoveries.

from the book: “This beautiful park on the Straits of Mackinac beckons you to explore both the natural treasures of its 625 acres and the history which has taken place there, the site of Northern Michigan’s first industrial complex. This book is for the first time visitor as well as those who have visited the park before. If you have not yet walked Historic Mill Creek’s forest trails or been fascinated by its operating, water-powered sawmill, we invite you to enjoy it all. If you are one of the thousands who have explored the park before, we hope this book sparks memories. Perhaps it will also acquaint you with a treasure you missed on an earlier visit.”

Author: David A. Armour
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
ISBN: 0-9118-72-66-8
Illustrated, 62 pages, 1996. Revised edition 2019
Price: $8.95