Fudge: Mackinac's Sweet Souvenir - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Fudge: Mackinac’s Sweet Souvenir


Mackinac Island and fudge. Both symbolize indulgence, fantasy and escape—but there is more to fudge than sugar, butter, chocolate and cream.

In this book, historian Phil Porter stirs up the past to find the hard work and sometimes bitter controversy behind this sweet souvenir. In his hunger for truth and historical accuracy, Porter dug deep into the kitchens and cupboards of the fudge culture. No kettle was left cooking, no box unopened, no flavor un-tasted.

This book highlights the personalities that molded the business from the arrival of Henry Murdick in the late 19th century to the dominance of the May family in the mid-20th century and the marketing revolution started by Harry Ryba in the early 1960s.

Phil Porter, Chief Curator and Fudge Taster at Mackinac State Historic Parks, finds out why Mackinac and fudge go together like horses and carriages.

Author: Phil Porter
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
ISBN: 0-911872-78-7
Illustrations, 40 pages, 2001
Price: $7.95