Fort Holmes - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Fort Holmes

Reports in Mackinac History and Archaeology, Number 10

Evolution and history of Fort Holmes, strategically built on the island’s highest bluff overlooking Fort Mackinac.

from the book: “Summer visitors to Mackinac Island are invariably treated to a magnificent sight as their ferry rounds the stone harbor breakwall and the panorama of the island’s south side unfolds before them. Fort Mackinac, the town, summer cottages, and the Grand Hotel all gleam against a forest background. Everything is brilliantly white. Everything, that is, except a … structure overlooking the scene from the island’s highest point. Tiny Fort Holmes has experienced many transformations since it was originally established as Fort George during the last year of the War of 1812. Its history of construction, decay and various reconstructions has paralleled the fortunes of Mackinac Island through war, peace, politics, tourism, prosperity and depression.” …

Author: Brian Leigh Dunnigan
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
ISBN: 0-911872-51-5
Illustrated. 40 pages, 1984
Price: $5.00