Colonial Michilimackinac - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Colonial Michilimackinac


MICHILIMACKINAC – The place of the “Great Turtle” has attracted people for thousands of years. From the Native hunters who stalked their quarry near the retreating glaciers to today’s tourist talking with a costumed interpreter, people from all over the world have come together at Michilimackinac. Some came to harvest the abundant natural resources; others came to trade. Still others came to conquer. Many came simply to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

These diverse people met up with each other at Michilimackinac. Some discovered that they had common interest, such as trade. Others burned with hostility and anger. Some stayed for only a few hours or days. Others stayed for a lifetime.

This book is about the people who gathered together at Michilimackinac. Their comings and interaction left a rich historical legacy punctuated by exciting events.

Author: David A. Armour
ISBN: Hardcover 0-911872-75-2; Softbound 0-911972-74-4
Illustrated, 104 pages, 2000
Price: Hardbound $12.95 Softbound $9.95