The British Army at Mackinac 1812-1815 - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

The British Army at Mackinac 1812-1815

Reports in Mackinac History and Archaeology, Number 7

Story of British soldiers who captured and held Fort Mackinac and Mackinac Island from 1812-1815.

from the book: “The War of 1812 plunged the fledgling Michigan territory into its most perilous period. Its few small towns all experienced the war first hand, but none more so than Mackinac Island.

From 1812 through the summer of 1815 Fort Mackinac was occupied by soldiers of the British Army. It was a time of hardship for them as well as the residents of Mackinac Island. British forces in Canada operated during much of the war on slender resources. The garrison of Fort Mackinac was the most isolated of all and was usually low on the priority list for supplies and reinforcements.

The British Army held Mackinac and the Upper Great Lakes throughout the War of 1812. They were able to do so because of good leadership, discipline and the support of the Indians. This account will focus on the soldiers who took and held Mackinac for the three years of that conflict. . . .”

Author: Brian Leigh Dunnigan
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
ISBN: 0-911872-40-X
Illustrations, 56 pages, 1980. Second printing 1992.
Price: $3.00