Firearms on the Frontier - Guns at Fort Michilimackinac 1715-1781 - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

Firearms on the Frontier – Guns at Fort Michilimackinac 1715-1781

Reports in Mackinac History and Archaeology, #5

Fort Michilimackinac has been under archaeological investigation every summer since 1959. The Mackinac Island State Park Commission, in cooperation with the Museum, Michigan State University, has excavated nearly half of this major eighteenth century fur trading post. During the courwse of these excavations, the site of a blacksmith shop located adjacent to the priest’s house was discovered. At this site and scattered through the fort enclosure hundreds of gun parts were found.

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Author: T.M. Hamilton
Publisher: Mackinac State Historic Parks
1976. 46 pages, illustrated