Blog Posts - Mackinac State Historic Parks | Mackinac State Historic Parks

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A historic black and white photo showing a large white building known as the Fort Mackinac Post Hospital with three cannons in the foreground.

The Hospital Corps at Fort Mackinac

While the Hospital Corps only came into being toward the very end of Fort Mackinac’s time as an active military post, it demonstrates another way Fort Mackinac experienced the changing times of the army.

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A pencil sketch of a single potato with some indentations in the skin.

The Famous Mackinaw Potato

When you think of Mackinac, you might think of fudge, or no cars, or horses, or the fort. But potatoes?

“The best potatoes in the world grow at Mackinac.” Or at least they did. Read on!

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Pencil sketch of a large walrus lounging on a sheet of ice floating in the water.

The Mackinac Walrus

Unusual things have been found on Mackinac Island and the Straits of Mackinac over the years. But a walrus skull? That might be the most unusual of all. Read on for the amazing story of how it ended up in the Straits:

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