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Tag: Mackinac Parks 125

Hidden Histories: Marriage and the British Army

As part of the Mackinac Parks: 125 festivities, we want to explore elements of Colonial Michilimackinac’s history and culture that are not currently well-represented in interpretive programming and exhibits. This

Michilimackinac at Work: Labor and Trades

Michilimackinac was a hardworking community in the 18th century. Voyageurs, blacksmiths, laundresses, clerks, and soldiers all plied their trades at the fort, employing both skilled and unskilled labor. Join the interpretive

Fire at Night at Michilimackinac

Experience Colonial Michilimackinac in an entirely new way and see the flash of the cannon under the stars! This is a Mackinac Parks: 125 free event!