Archaeological Collections Management at MSHP and the IMLS
When you’ve had an archaeological dig that’s been active for more than 60 years, you end up with a million-plus artifacts and reams of field notes.
When you’ve had an archaeological dig that’s been active for more than 60 years, you end up with a million-plus artifacts and reams of field notes.
One of the next major projects tor Mackinac State Historic Parks will be the reconstruction of a unit on the Southwest Rowhouse. To prepare, MSHP staff have been going over the archaeological records and artifacts from the 1960s, when the unit was originally excavated.
The largest archaeological excavation to take place at Fort Mackinac was the site of the original provision storehouse. Interestingly, it was the second time the provision storehouse was excavated, but the first time at Fort Mackinac.
It was an exciting finish to the 2022 archaeology field season. It’s all wrapped up here.
Late May saw the beginning of the 64th archaeological field season at Michilimackinac.
About 1864, a new resource was tapped for the first time along the rocky bluffs of Mill Creek – limestone.
One of the “missing” buildings at Fort Mackinac is the blacksmith shop.
It’s time for another deep dive into the collection!
One of the more unusual archaeological projects to take place at Fort Mackinac was an excavation that took place under a standing structure. The main question that excavation was looking to answer? Who built the Officer’s Wood Quarters, and when was it built?