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Friends Preserving and Sharing Mackinac’s History

Fort Holmes, reopened in 2015.

Mackinac Associates’ mission is simple and encompassing: Friends Preserving and Sharing Mackinac’s Heritage.

Mackinac Associates is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports programs at Mackinac State Historic Parks through membership dues and other gifts. Mackinac Associates members have supported needed projects in every area of museum operation, and make possible interpretive programs, publications, exhibits, natural history education, park improvements and more.

Mackinac Associates has supported the Mackinac State Historic Parks’ Education Outreach program since its creation in 1988. Through Mackinac Associates support, interpreters have visited more than 250,000 children in the classroom, engaging and entertaining them as they learn about the important history and natural history of the Straits of Mackinac.

The new cannon at Colonial Michilimackinac, funded in large part by Mackinac Associates. 

Recent larger initiatives funded by Mackinac Associates include the reconstruction of Fort Holmes, creation of the Native American Cultural History Trail, and the production of a new orientation video at Colonial Michilimackinac.

Members receive a wide range of educational and social benefits, including unlimited admission to all Mackinac State Historic Parks sites, 15% discount at all museum stores, and a subscription to Curiosities, our newsletter. Invitations to member only events provide social opportunities and opportunities to be the first to learn about upcoming projects and programs.

One of the panels along M-185 for the Native American Cultural History Trail.

Mackinac Associates members are passionate about preserving the rich history and natural beauty of the Straits of Mackinac. If you have a fondness for Mackinac Island and the Straits of Mackinac, we hope you will consider showing that support through a membership in Mackinac Associates.

For more information on programs and benefits, visit our website at