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Category: History

Mackinac Island’s Field of Dreams

“The one constant through all the years…has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers…It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again.”

Using Cold Frames at Michilimackinac

Gardeners, especially at the Straits of Mackinac, have always been interested in helping their plants grow despite sometimes problematic environmental conditions.

July 4 at Fort Mackinac

With the holiday weekend upon us, let’s look at how the soldiers and civilians of historic Mackinac celebrated.

SS Minneapolis Revolver

On April 4, 1894, the bulk steam freighter Minneapolis sank in the Straits of Mackinac after taking on water due to ice damage.

Mackinac Indian Agency

Modern visitors to Mackinac Island still have a chance to see numerous reminders of the community’s heyday as a center of the Great Lakes fur trade.

Michilimackinac Archaeology 2021 Has Begun

The 63rd archaeological field season at Michilimackinac got underway June 1. This will be the 14th season at the current project, the excavation of House E of the Southeast Rowhouse.

Memorial Day at Fort Mackinac

It’s a crisp morning in late May. Members of the 23rd Regiment at Fort Mackinac assemble on the parade ground in their dress uniforms and begin the slow, somber march out of the North Sally Port at Fort Mackinac and head toward the Post Cemetery.