A Closer Look at the Collections: Brass Saw
It’s time for another deep dive into the collection!
It’s time for another deep dive into the collection!
One of the more unusual archaeological projects to take place at Fort Mackinac was an excavation that took place under a standing structure. The main question that excavation was looking to answer? Who built the Officer’s Wood Quarters, and when was it built?
It’s time for another deep dive into the collection! Today Dr. Lynn Evans, Curator of Archaeology, shows us on Orvietan Lid.
As the calendar flips to the new year, Mackinac State Historic Parks staff are busy readying new tours, exhibits, publications, and more.
It’s time for another dive into our collections!
The 2021 Michilimackinac field season came to a satisfying close in late August. After seven seasons of excavation, we have finally reached the bottom of the southeast root cellar!
It’s hard to believe, but the archaeology field season is at the half-way point. Learn all about how the season has been going here.
The 63rd archaeological field season at Michilimackinac got underway June 1. This will be the 14th season at the current project, the excavation of House E of the Southeast Rowhouse.
Between 1998 and 2007 Mackinac State Historic Parks excavated the east end unit of the South Southwest Rowhouse. One of the most interesting categories of artifacts excavated at the house was gun parts.