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Book Location: Colonial Michilimackinac

The DePeyster Bowl of Michilimackinac

Mackinac History: A Continuing Series of Illustrated Vignettes, Volume III, Leaflet #2 Fort Michilimackinac [was the crossroads of an empire] for nearly a century. Little remains above ground which testifies

A sawyer using a pit saw

Craft Industries at Michilimackinac, 1715-1781

Archaeological Completion Report Series, Number 15 “This is a study of craft industries carried out at Fort Michilimackinac by French and British inhabitants during the 18th century. … For this

Colonial Michilimackinac

MICHILIMACKINAC – The place of the “Great Turtle” has attracted people for thousands of years. From the Native hunters who stalked their quarry near the retreating glaciers to today’s tourist

Attack at Michilimackinac, 1763

Attack at Michilimackinac 1763: Alexander Henry’s Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories between the years 1760 and 1764 Adventures of Alexander Henry, an eyewitness survivor of the